Braze’s Data Platform Unveils a Maturing Vision for Customer Engagement

By Michael Helfin

Published on 28 Aug, 2024

The marketing technology landscape thrives on buzzwords. Lately, the siren song of the Customer Data Platform (CDP) has captured the industry’s attention. So, when Braze, a long-time leader in the customer engagement space, recently announced its new “Data Platform,” some were quick to misinterpret it as their entry into the crowded CDP market. (Like we see Klaviyo, Amplitude, and countless others venturing into as well).

However, this would be a fundamental misunderstanding of Braze’s evolution and recent press release last month.

This is not about chasing the latest shiny object. Rather, it’s a strategic unveiling—a showcasing of the mature, data-first foundation Braze has meticulously built for 13 years as of July 2024, strategically enriched by a flourishing ecosystem of integrations and army of Alloys Partners.

Deconstructing the Misconception: It’s Not a CDP, But It Does What You Wish Your CDP Could

Let’s be clear: Braze’s Data Platform is not a CDP in the traditional sense. It doesn’t seek to replace your existing CDP if you have one, nor is it designed as a standalone data unification tool. Instead, it presents a more sophisticated approach:

  • Unifying, Not Replacing: Braze recognizes the strategic importance of a robust data foundation—regardless of its source. Their platform seamlessly integrates with existing data warehouses like Snowflake and major CDPs (Segment, mParticle, etc.), taking a “best-of-breed” approach that amplifies the power of your existing tech stack.
  • Activation at its Core: While many CDPs focus primarily on identity resolution and audience building, Braze’s platform shines in its activation capabilities. Imagine – your unified customer data instantly fueling hyper-personalized messages across all channels, AI-powered predictions driving your segmentation strategy, and real-time insights optimizing every interaction.


A Cornucopia of Data Capabilities: Years in the Making

This is not a knee-jerk reaction to market trends; it’s the culmination of years of strategic investment in:

  • Real-Time DNA: Since its inception, Braze has been built on a real-time architecture. This platform extends that power, enabling immediate data action—from triggering a message the instant a user abandons their cart to adjusting campaign strategies based on live performance data.
  • Seamless Integrations as a Superpower: Braze recognized early on the limitations of walled gardens. Their Data Platform is strengthened by a robust “Alloys” partner products community, offering hundreds of pre-built integrations across analytics, marketing automation, data visualization, and more.
  • More Than Technology, a Mindset Shift: Beyond the tech, Braze is advocating for a broader cultural change—from treating data as a departmental resource to ethically embracing it as the foundation of the entire customer journey.


Why This Matters Now: Data Agility is the New Competitive Battleground

The days of clunky, disjointed marketing stacks are numbered. In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, brands need speed, flexibility, and an unyielding focus on their customers. Braze’s “Data Platform” is unveiled at a pivotal moment—empowering companies to not just navigate but thrive amidst constant change with what they have architected over the last 13 years..

  • For brands: This isn’t about another tool to manage; it’s about unlocking true customer-centricity—moving from generic blasts to truly personal conversations, powered by data that’s seamlessly collected, understood, and activated with 150+ pre-built integrations.
  • For marketers: It’s time to abandon the illusion of a perfect, static strategy. Embrace the agility that a robust data platform provides, empowering you to adapt, experiment, and constantly evolve your approach to meet the ever-shifting expectations of your audience.

Braze’s Data Platform isn’t a pivot, but a “come with us” leap forward, demonstrating the true potential of a unified, data-first approach to customer engagement. In a world obsessed with CDPs, Braze is a potent reminder that meaningful connections are built not on data alone, but on the power to act on it, decisively, creatively, and at the speed of the customer.

Ready to take your customer data to the next level? Our team of Braze experts are here to help.

Written By Michael Helfin

Michael Helfin is a Braze verified expert and has over a decade of experience as a full stack digital marketer. He lives in Los Angeles and enjoys golfing and spending time with his sons, Luciano & Leonardo.
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