Making the Case for Adobe Edge Delivery: How Marketing, Content, and IT Can Work Better Together

By Natsha Ness

Published on 28 Jun, 2024

Ever feel like your website is a big, multicolored ball of yarn held together by a single string, ready to unravel at any moment? 

Or perhaps your site looks a little more like this: marketing craves promoting a new product launch yesterday, content creators dream of a system as user-friendly as a Google Doc, product & UX teams pine for a seamless customer experience that mirrors the strategy shipped to engineering 6 months ago, and IT just wants things secure, compliant, and running smoothly. With all of it ultimately stitched together in a never-ending tug-of-war?

If you’ve ever played one or more of those roles for your own website, you know this story all too well. The challenges of coordinating between departments can seem insurmountable. This is where Adobe Edge Delivery steps in as the key ingredient, offering a solution that helps organizations scale their sites faster and more efficiently.

What is Adobe Edge Delivery?

Adobe Edge Delivery, also known as Adobe Experience Manager Edge Delivery Services (AEM EDS), is a set of features and functionalities used to build, deploy and maintain websites within Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). Here’s a breakdown:

  • Adobe Experience Manager: A cloud-based content management system (CMS) from Adobe that allows businesses to create, manage, and deliver digital experiences across various channels like websites, mobile apps, and more.
  • Adobe Edge Delivery: A set of features within AEM that focuses on content delivery and website performance. It leverages edge computing to deliver website content faster and more efficiently to users by caching content on servers closer to those users. Not only that, it allows common website maintenance users like content creators to deploy content at rapid speed, utilizing tools and platforms they are already familiar with such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word. All of which deploy to the cloud through easy to use interfaces and simplified workflows across your digital team.

Building a Strong Business Case

If it’s not incredibly obvious by this description, this solution bridges the significant gap between these often-siloed teams, creating a smooth and efficient website management experience for everyone. 

Let’s explore how Edge Delivery empowers each key player to achieve this vision:

Marketing Teams

Edge Delivery is a headless CMS built for content velocity. With streamlined workflows, marketing teams will be empowered to create high-performing websites faster, boosting conversions with lightning-speed loading times and a seamless user experience. Additionally, Edge Delivery improves SEO ranking, with a 100 Google Lighthouse score, and builds trust with a secure, user-friendly website, ultimately transforming your website from a cost center into a powerful revenue generator.

Here are five KPIs marketing teams will see marketable improvements in when implementing Adobe Edge Delivery:

  1. Reduced Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)
  2. Increased Site Visitors
  3. Improved Lead Conversion Rates
  4. Reduction in Abandoned Carts
  5. Improved Speed to Market

Content Teams

Instead of wrestling with clunky CMS systems, Edge Delivery simplifies content creation by integrating with the tools that content teams use every day, like Google Docs and Word. This not only eliminates the need for endless edits and technical jargon but also streamlines team workflows. Content gets deployed faster, empowering content teams to capitalize on market trends and stay ahead of the competition. Plus, multi-site support lets marketing and product teams manage content across various domains without relying on IT, allowing content teams to focus on creating stellar content, not wrestling with technology.

Implementing Adobe Edge Delivery can significantly improve your content creation workflow. Here are five KPIs content  teams will see marketable improvements in when implementing Adobe Edge Delivery:

  1. Reduced Time to Publish Content
  2. Internal NPS & Collaboration Improvement
  3. Reduced Content Revision Cycles
  4. Reduction in Time Entering IT Tickets
  5. Reduced Time for Deploying Promotional Pages/Experiences

IT Teams

The ability for marketing teams to manage content creation and publishing, your IT resources are freed up for more strategic initiatives. With robust security features and self-service deployment, Edge Delivery minimizes IT workload and on-call headaches, ultimately allowing your technology teams to focus on what truly matters—securing your systems and driving business-critical projects forward.

Here are five KPIs IT teams will see marketable improvements in when implementing Adobe Edge Delivery:

  1. Reduction in Ticket Volume & Time to Close
  2. Reduced Costs in Staffing/Outsourcing
  3. Reduced Costs for Web Maintenance
  4. Improved Deployment Timelines
  5. Improved/Increased Site Uptime

Ready to Bridge the Gap Between Marketing, Content, and IT?

With Adobe Edge Delivery, you can achieve a powerful combination of improved performance, reduced costs, and increased agility. This translates to a website that supports your business goals and drives success across all digital marketing initiatives.

Contact SH/FT today for a free consultation and website audit. We’ll assess your site’s stability and user experience (UX), and identify opportunities to create a high-performing digital experience that drives results. In partnership with you and Adobe, we’ll develop a customized solution that fits your specific needs and budget.

Written By Natsha Ness

Natasha Ness leads the go-to-market team at Shift. She has a blended background in marketing, product, design, UX, and sales where she's helped both small, mid-size and enterprise companies launch new solutions and optimize their existing. When she's not dabbling in the latest technology or building a campaign, she spends her free time with her two girls and husband, likely watching an anime together.
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