Unlocking the Power of a Configurable Design System for Marketing

By Ryan Brill

Published on 15 Aug, 2024

Think about the last time that you walked into a Starbucks in a new location. Starbucks dark roasts their coffee beans which is much easier to get consistent than a lighter roast, and that in turn helps ensure that you will have the same experience whether you’re in the middle of the city in Chicago or at a busy airport in Phoenix. The menu looks the same, the food items available are consistent, and your favorite drink tastes just as you remember; a little bit of comfort in a branded cup.

This consistency is comforting and reliable, making it easier to decide where to get your caffeine fix. Now, think about how powerful it would be if your digital platforms could offer the same seamless and engaging experience, no matter which of your offline or online channels they interact with.

In today’s fast-paced and competitive market, creating such unified experiences across your websites, mobile applications, email and paid media campaigns is more crucial than ever. As the Chief Experience Officer at SH/FT, I’ve seen firsthand how a well-crafted, configurable design system can revolutionize how businesses connect with their audiences, all while elevating the opportunities designers, marketers and engineers have at their disposal to create efficiency at a digital scale.

What is a Configurable Design System?

A configurable design system is like having a well-organized kitchen pantry for all your digital needs. Instead of searching for each ingredient or spice, everything is neatly arranged and ready to go.

In digital terms, this means having a set of design standards, components, and guidelines that can be used across all your platforms, making sure everything fits together smoothly and looks great. Key aspects of building out a design system include:

1. Atomic Design System: This is the UI design framework that you have to play with across your digital channels, and is akin to all the ingredients you have within your kitchen pantry. It includes every design element, from buttons to entire page layouts, ensuring all your digital touchpoints are cohesive and consistent. It takes the smallest parts called ‘atoms’ and combines them to create more complex and intuitive experiences.

A visual showcasing an atomic design system

2. Shared, Configurable Component Library: In order to build experiences that scale, we utilize the atomic design system to develop a set of configurable components built out within your CMS (Content Management System). Think of these like ready-to-use ingredients, such as a pre-made pie crust, that allows you to very quickly bake a pumpkin pie – or a breakfast quiche.


The Benefits of a Configurable Design System

Brand Consistency from Web to Email

Just as you recognize your favorite coffee chain wherever you go, a configurable design system ensures that all your digital touch points feel familiar and aligned with your brand. This consistency builds trust and recognition among your audience.

An infographic showing design system visuals from email to web

Faster & Easier Website Building

Imagine the convenience of using pre-made ingredients in your kitchen—everything is ready to go, and you can whip up a meal in no time. Similarly, pre-built design components allow for quicker and more efficient website development, freeing up resources to focus on what really matters: creating unique, engaging experiences.

Flexibility for Individual Needs

While maintaining a unified look, a configurable design system still offers room for personalization. It’s like adding sprinkles to your ice cream sundae—each site can customize certain elements to meet its specific needs without losing the overall brand consistency. While consistency is key, the system’s configurable nature allows for tailored solutions. Whether adapting to different market demands or incorporating specific features, your digital presence remains flexible and responsive to your business needs.

A graphic showing a comparison of configurable vs non configurable components

Cost Saving & Efficiency Boost:

Pre-built components streamline the development process, saving both time and resources. There’s no need to start from scratch for each new project, making it easier to scale and adapt as your business grows.

Unified Brand Identity:

Leveraging the same components across all platforms reinforces a strong and cohesive brand identity. Every website and application contributes to a unified digital experience that resonates with your audience and strengthens your brand.

Real-World Application

At SH/FT, we’ve implemented configurable design systems for various clients, including Sunnova, where we were able to spin up multiple instances of dynamic user experienced using a foundational library, backed by a strong, optimized database and technology layer.

Take the Next Step: Experience Audit

Embarking on the journey to build a configurable design system can be daunting. Understanding the best approach to implement such a system at scale requires expertise and insight. That’s where SH/FT comes in. Our team of experts is ready to conduct a comprehensive experience audit to help you navigate this process.

Are you ready to transform your digital presence? Let’s begin with an experience audit to explore how a configurable design system can elevate your brand, streamline your development process, and increase your speed to market. Contact us today to schedule your audit and take the first step towards building a scalable, flexible design system tailored to your organization’s needs.


Written By Ryan Brill

Ryan is a technology services leader with over 15 years of experience defining customer experience strategies and technical solutions for brands ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies including Apple, Chevron, Dolby, TXU, First American, and Sunnova.
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